Get Out Of Your Funk With Movement Meditation

Getting out of your funk with Movement Meditation.

Transform your low energy levels into high energy levels, move out of depression, sadness, anxiety and low self-esteem and move into feelings of happiness, joy, freedom and self-love.

I don’t know about you, but I have real ‘in a funk’ moments. In my funk, I don’t want to do anything, I am grumpy, nothing will make me feel better. How do we work with that?

For me, my mind tells me chocolate, staying in bed or a glass of wine will make me feel better. It’s easier to let that voice win, OR I can listen to my other intuitive voice that knows the practices that will make me feel better or give me relief form the current emotions I am feeling.

What is your inner voice saying when you are in your funk?

We are all different. The main point here is to be aware that it is your mind telling you that you are in a funk! The mind is separate, it is just giving you suggestions in the form of thought, and you can choose whether you listen to your mind or your heart.

When we recognise this, well … it changes the whole game. This is when we start to make changes to our lives. This is when we start to react and respond from our hearts rather than from our minds. This is when we start to fill ourselves up with self love by doing things that really fulfil us and are good for us.


Meditation is about coming back to the present moment.
Movement meditation is being present and moving with your breath.

Nothing overcomplicated, keeping it simple. To focus on how you feel, physically and mentally. To notice how you are breathing. To notice the sounds around you. We are often so busy doing things, and at such a fast pace, much of the time multi-tasking. Our minds are overloaded and they need a holiday.

Meditation invokes a shift in consciousness. When your mind is restless or disturbed, meditation can help you bring it back into balance, to help you find calm. When you feel more calm and relaxed it enables you to bring greater awareness and peace into the world around you.

Movement meditation is when we move consciously, we move and are aware of our actions, and how we feel in that very moment. The movement is often lead by the breath, and music, and we move to express ourselves. Focusing on how the feet feel on the ground, how the air feels around you, these things get you out of your busy mind and into the present, into your body.

Not only does it feel good for the soul, moving and dancing can improve your mental health by boosting your overall happiness. Here are some benefits:

  • It’s a great cardio workout, increasing stamina and strengthening bones and muscles.

  • It's fun! Dancing can trigger the release of feel good hormones like serotonin and endorphins.

  • Anyone can dance. The great thing about dance is that it's inclusive. Nervous? Do you feel like you’re not a good dancer? Let go of that care! It's about you moving your body in your way. Zone in and focus on how great you feel and that no one is judging your abilities. There is a dancer in all of us!

  • It's gentle on the body. Dancing is free flowing, allowing you to move freely, to slow down when your body needs a break. The choice to move for what feels good for you means you avoid the wear and tear of repetitive motions.

  • Helps boost your mood. Movement and dance are extremely expressive, which can allow you to escape, let loose and let go. It’s this “letting loose” that helps improve your mental and emotional health by reducing stress, decreasing the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and boosting your self-esteem.

Would you like to try movement meditation? Try a Flow Dance Meditation event with me - dates for the next online event coming soon. Subscribe to be the first to hear about the event!


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