The Magic Touch: How Massage Positively Affects Mental Health

Sharnelle lieing down and relaxing

“I should get massages more often” - I often hear this from clients post massage. I don’t know if you feel the same, but I know every time I get a massage, I think to myself, I really should do this more often.

You’ve probably experienced the wave of calmness washing over you as you lie on the massage table with nothing else to do other than relax? But have you ever wondered why massages feel so good? It's not just about the soothing touch, oils and sounds; there's lots of science behind it too.

Let's dive into the wonderful world of massages and how they work their magic on our nervous system, ultimately giving our mental health a much needed boost.

Picture this: dimmed lights, soothing music, and a skilled pair of hands working their way across your back. Bliss! But what is actually happening beneath the surface? Well, it's all about the nervous system.

  • Relaxation and Kneading Away Stress

Massage triggers the relaxation response in the body, leading to a reduction in stress and anxiety. Receiving a massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "rest and digest" mode. When this system kicks in, heart rate slows, blood pressure drops, and muscles start to loosen up as your stress hormones like cortisol drop.

In other words, all those stresses that have been buzzing around in your head? They start to fade away as your body enters a state of deep relaxation.

  • The Science Behind the Soothe

So, how exactly does the parasympathetic nervous system get activated?

When your body and muscles receive touch, energy is transferred and receptors are stimulated in your skin that send messages to your brain. The physical pressure and soothing strokes basically tell your brain "Hey, it's all good – time to slow down and unwind."

These messages trigger the release of feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, which are like natural mood enhancers. Saying goodbye to tension and hello to a sense of calm.

Massages also decrease the levels of cortisol, aka the stress hormone. Less cortisol means less stress, and less stress means a happier and healthier you.

  • Deep Relaxation and Mental Health

In today's fast paced world, finding moments to unwind is essential. When you give your body and mind a chance to truly relax, you're doing more than just pampering yourself — you're investing in your mental well-being.

Regular massages have been linked to reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality, and even a brighter outlook on life. By allowing your nervous system to switch gears and embrace calmness, you're creating a solid foundation for a resilient mind. It's like pressing a reset button for your thoughts and emotions.

  • Treat Your Mind and Body to a Massage

So, the next time you're debating whether to book in for a massage, remember the wonderful ways it affects your nervous system and nurtures your mental health. It's not just about treating yourself every now and then; it's about giving your mind the breather, and your body the rest it deserves.

Put your wellbeing first, press the pause button on life and book in your massage. - Let the relaxation begin!

If you are in Jersey - you can book in your massage here.


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